Writing Spot


Art and the internet - 12/02/24

I feel like art on the internet is way more difficult now, and the word "art" feels incredibly stigmatised. if you call anything you make art you will have people think you are pretentious or think you are better than everyone else. But on the other hand, "Content" is such a terrible word, it implies that im making things to be a product or to be consumed instead of making things for my own enjoyment.

My goal is to continue to make whatever i like without feeling pressured into conforming to some algorithm. I had to stop weekly uploads on youtube due to this, i cant just create for the sake of creating and i got burnt out after 3 videos. thats all i have to say about this topic at this moment. I dont like the current state of the internet. I dont make things for profit, popularity, or some other third thing beginning with the letter p, i make it for myself.
